Choice of camera
The cameras we recommend for recording video are the Z Cam E2-M4 and E2, or the E2-S6G when recording from a moving vehicle. They can be used with the Meike 6.5mm f/2 fisheye lens (MFT mount). Pre-assembled kits are available to rent or buy from Sensori.
Alternatively, you may use other cameras that support the capture of high bitrate video with a fisheye lens, but the results are likely to be of a lower quality than with our recommended equipment.
We also support the use of stitched 360 panoramic video (equirectangular), or unstitched .insv files from Insta360 cameras. However, this will usually provide significantly lower quality results.
For capturing larger open areas such as road works, or for providing better visibility in inaccessible areas such as ceiling voids, we recommend mounting the camera to a monopod using a pan-tilt head.
Extra lighting
Sensori capture requires good illumination to be able to generate high quality geometry. When working at night with no other lighting, or in dark environments such as ceiling voids, a bright wide beam LED light may be fitted to the camera.
Scanning targets
Sensori Capture uses a standard set of targets for defining scale and registering against a control network. They are available to order from us, but you may also print your own.
Origin plate and scale plates are available to download here. These should be printed at the original print size of the file. The distance between the centres of the target patterns is exactly 200mm and must be printed accurately. We recommend printing these on aluminium composite to reduce the risk of movement during outdoor captures. The rectangular scale plates can be printed either single sided or double sided. Single sided is sufficient for most situations.
Control point markers for use with survey points can be downloaded here. We recommend printing these on 3mm foam. Our standard size for these is 12cm across, but they may be used at any print size. The centre can be cut out as shown below.
Last updated